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Our imprint

Group of people dances of D'Fuchsenbrindla
Between the wine gardens 27
A-2452 Mannersdorf/Lgb.
Email: info [at]

general association data
Name     D'Fuchsenbrindla
Seat     Mannersdorf at the Leithagebirge
Setting address     2452 Mannersdorf, between the wine gardens 27
Developing date     25.01.2008
Organschaftliche representative     Christine Mayer, Friedrich fox (founder)
Responsible authority     District captain shank Bruck/Leitha
ZVR number     712356052

selected members of the board (general assembly of 10.04.2008)
Obfrau     Christine Mayer
Obfrau deputy     Friedrich fox
Cashier     Elizabeth victim cow
Cashier deputy     Elizabeth Staudacher
Secretary     Hans Freiberger
Secretary deputy     Peter Schwengersbauer
Rechnungsprueferin     Elizabeth Palkowitsch
Invoice controller in deputy     Josef Mikulka

Diagram, conception &technical 
Web Design... Peter Schwengersbauer
Email: p.schwen [at]

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We dissociate ourselves expressly from to the expression the brought
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